I'm also thankful that I had the opportunity to sub at the same school last year, giving me the advantage of already knowing most of the students in my classroom. At this point I have only taken over for half the day but soon the reigns will be passed over to me for 4 WEEKS! I'm sweating just thinking about it. I will say I do enjoy the stories I get out of my precious little dears. Sometimes they sure know how to make you laugh, often times without even meaning to. My mentor teacher and I almost laughed till we cried the other day when I shared with her what one of our darlings said to me:
I have a couple of real math lovers in the room and two of my girls decided to flip through the book one day to see what they had to look forward to....Now, at this point I pretty much just do what my mentor does so I haven't really made a lesson plan on my own or looked further into the book to see what is coming up. (I am only going to be there until Thanksgiving break so I don't really need to look at what they will be studying by the end of the year). Anyway, one of the girls walked up to my desk and asked, "Are we going to study Algebra this year?"....now I didn't really know myself but seeing that we are just now reviewing and studying 2 digit multiplication and long division I highly doubted it...so I told her I don't think we will get to that but maybe by the end of the year you will. That seemed to satisfy her and she went back to her desk. Low and behold the very next day I am watching my mentor teach the lesson of the day and there was a word problem, not really an algebra one but it gave you all this data and you had to pick which mathmatical problem would help you find your answer, it had a letter representing the total since we really didn't want you to solve for anything. Well my mentor explained that this was like algebra...I knew it was coming...that girls head shot up so fast and she stared me down with a funny look on her face. After the lesson was over she walked over to me and said, "You lied to me," which I tried to explain that I was not aware that we would be discussing that and we wouldn't really be studying it, just that one problem. She then said, "I'll be watching you," she even did the finger motion from her eyes to mine with her hand!!! Oh how hard it was for me not to laugh then and there.....the things these kids say!
*FYI I am talking about a 5th grader here!
Anyway, hopefully you got a laugh out of my long winded story, I thought it was a good one to share. Now, on to the recipe for today. I have discovered pinterest and it has become a real issue. Not because I don't like it....believe me I'm in LOVE...I'm probably on the computer more now than I would like to admit, but Oh My Goodness there is recipes galore! I saw one of something that I've had in the past but never made it myself. I kinda forgot about this recipe and I really enjoyed it and have been trying to track it down. I was thrilled to find it on this nifty site. Ta Ta and Enjoy!